lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2011

New Web Site Offers Educational Resources for Couples Coping With Infertility

Couples embarking on the journey of starting a family are often disappointed when they don't conceive right away.
Infertility is normally diagnosed if a couple is not able to get pregnant after one year of unprotected, well-timed
intercourse. For the estimated 6.1 million Americans struggling to have a baby, www.fertilityjourney is a comprehensive online educational resource that provides guidance in
managing fertility issues, support in locating medical providers and access to resources that will help them best meet their
personal needs.

Understanding Infertility

Infertility is a medical condition that results when one or both individuals have physical problems that interfere with
reproduction. Since fertility problems tend to increase with age, women over 35 are encouraged to seek a fertility
evaluation sooner than one year. Starting treatment early is a key factor in achieving pregnancy as quickly as possible.

The Fertility Journey

One of the most crucial steps when trying to conceive is understanding the process and knowing what to expect along the way.
Wherever a woman is in her quest to become pregnant, www.fertilityjourney provides helpful guidance on topics, such as:

-- Testing and diagnosis

-- Medical treatment coverage

-- Financial planning

-- Therapeutic options

-- How to find a clinic

-- Coping with the anxiety that comes when conceiving is difficult

Visitors to the site can also register to receive a free monthly e-newsletter and request brochures about the latest medical

Visit www.fertilityjourney to get the information, guidance
support you need. FertilityJourney is sponsored by Organon USA, Inc.

Organon USA, Inc.



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